Community Constitution Classes
Community Constitution Classes are held in Buena Vista discussing Constitutional topics and also using “Thomas Jefferson & James Madison’s Guide to Teaching and Understanding the Constitution.” Classes are generally held on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern in person or via Zoom. Classes for 2023-2024 are held downtown at the George Washington Center for Constitutional Studies (GWCCS), 2067 Magnolia Avenue, Suite B, Buena Vista, Virginia. The primary curriculum is based on how Thomas Jefferson and James Madison said the Constitution should be taught at the opening of the University of Virginia. See http://www.liberty1.org/UVA1825.pdf. Additional topics discussed are "All Men Are Created Equal," "The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution," and other topics related to the principles of the American Founding.
The Basic Constitution Study Outline:
Introduction; John Locke and his “Essay Concerning to True Original, Extent and End of Civil Government”
Algernon Sidney and his “Discourses Concerning Government”
Thomas Jefferson and “The Declaration of Independence”
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and “The Federalist Papers”: Part I
“The Federalist Papers”: Part II
George Washington and his “Farewell Address;” Conclusion
Class members who attend will receive a complementary printed and bound copy of the Guide. See: http://www.liberty1.org/TheGuide.pdf
To register or inquire, email [email protected]
We hope you can join us.